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The role of startups in the economy

With startups responsible for catapulting job growth by 10% since 2017, innovation-focused businesses are driving a new age of economic growth.

Beyond disrupting markets, startups are playing a vital role in spearheading job creation, opening new markets, and fuelling new opportunities for the masses.


Tapping into industry-leading talent pools, startups have become recognised as the home of professionals driven by a desire to be involved in something ‘big’. Housing curious minds, creative thinkers, and goal-getting individuals under one roof, startups breed ambitious talent, reimagining industries in record speed. From encouraging knowledge-sharing, nurturing diversity, and adopting entrepreneurial mindsets, to driving innovation, startups are undoubtedly accelerating societal growth.


Startups are going far beyond delivering next-generation technologies to our doors. Responsible for creating over 2 million jobs in the U.S. in 2015, up-and-coming companies are playing a vital role in the labour market. Pushing boundaries and challenging perceptions, the startup boom has opened uncapped avenues for college graduates, interns, and those who don’t quite fit the mould, redefining traditional routes towards success.


At the forefront of economic growth, it’s no secret that innovation should be woven through startups’ end-to-end processes. From combatting resource scarcity through innovative sourcing techniques to cultivating new methods to drive productivity, reeling in a new age of efficiency is key to economic prosperity. Beyond catapulting output, this emphasis on cultivating the ‘next big thing’ is playing a pivotal role in sustainability, wellbeing, and eco-friendliness, future-proofing economies.


Startups represent far more than the driving force behind bustling job boards. Bringing a fresh, growth-oriented approach to the job market, startups offer unparalleled level-up opportunities, coupled with the young, fast-paced culture they’ve become synonymous with. From hybrid working models that catapult employee satisfaction to offering a cash injection into the local economy, startups can kickstart growth at regional, national, and international levels.


As entrepreneurs fight to pioneer new technologies, products, and services, they’re simultaneously unlocking new opportunities for the wider population. Whether they’re revolutionising traditional markets or teasing cutting-edge creations to the surface, startups are known for driving competition and fostering a lucrative culture of one-upmanship. Think smartphones; used by professionals globally to take appointments, monitor investments, and stay on top of their inbox in one click, or the automated marketing tools designed to help business owners across the world drive leads as they sleep.



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